Thursday, March 29, 2012

OBIEE- Merge Repositories: the unconventional way

We all know about 2-way and 3-way repository merge. Here’s the documentation to know details: Merge Repositories. In this post I am showing a different way to manage and merge repositories.

Say you and another developer are working on a project. Both of you are developing different subject areas independent of each other, which end up in two repositories. Now, you want to merge them together in to a single repository. Of course merging them as per the information in the link above is ideal but there is another quick and easy way. This has worked for me very well so far.
-          Open two sessions of BI Admin tool and open both the repositories.
-          Copy objects from one rpd to other by simple right-click copy and paste
-          Below I am showing this for Physical Layer. Do the same for BMM and Presentation Layer.

-          Once done, do a consistency check. It should be consistent if you are using two consistent rpds.

Bingo! You have a merged rpd and can work on new Subject Areas after deploying this rpd.


  1. Thanks for sharing.
    But not sure if i follow the above approach, can i get the new Variables that i created after merging.

    1. Hello Kalkibabu,

      Not every element can be copy-pasted as described above. Unfortunately, variables are one of them.

