Tuesday, October 4, 2011

OBIEE11g- Updating GUIDs

OBIEE Interview Question: How do you update GUIDs? 

During migration of Oracle BI artifacts it is optional to refresh Global Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), but it become necessary in case you have a different and not fan-out replica of LDAP identity stores in DEV/TEST and PROD. If not this may lead to authentication failures. If the same user name exists in DEV/TEST and PROD LDAP directory servers user GUID will have a mis-match with GUID in new directory server. 

Here’s the error I received when I moved around my BI components to a newer system.

I followed Oracle's Documentation but it did not work for me. I had to do a little different configuration to make it work on my environment. 

To resolve this issue changes in NQSConfig and instanceconfig.xml files are done when all Oracle BI Services are online. To refresh GUIDS Edit NQSConfig.INI file 
and set FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS to YES as shown below. Save and Close NQSConfig.INI file. 

Edit instanceconfig.xml file 
and modify or add the following:  <Catalog>

Save and Close instanceconfig.xml file. 

Now to refresh GUIDs we have to restart the BI Services using Oracle Process Manager (opmnctl command) as below.

Now, revert back your changes to NQSConfig and instanceconfig.xml and restart services again. After this the GUIDs got refreshed and I was able to log in to OBI Presentation Services/Analyses. 

Hope this helps! 




  1. This is good and following the steps I was weblogic was able to login succesfully. However getting the error when tried to access My Dashboard

    access denied for user to path /users/weblogic/_portal/dashboard layout.
    Error Details
    Error Codes: O9XNZMXB

    Any workaround on this?

  2. Hi deepak,

    Do you know how to find guid for user in both obiee 11g and external ldap . I have to prove that there is guid mismatch.


  3. Hi Deepak,

    I have done what ever you said, but when I start the opmnctl presentation server is not starting. I am using OBIEE, could you please help me ASAP.

  4. Great!! Its working for me :)
    Thanks for the post :)
