Sunday, September 11, 2011

OBIEE 10g Migration Steps- Linux

I recently end up going back to 10g version and the following script helped me a lot during migration process between DEV/QA/PROD. Let’s assume we are migrating from QA to PROD for this post. I usually use putty to perform these steps. Following steps can be a good guideline.

1.  Start Putty and point to QA box. Shutdown OBIEE services on QA box.

./ stop
./ stop

2.  Make a new deployment directory (mmddyyyy is date of deployment this gives a versioning technique/ trackback control on deployment)

mkdir rpdcatmmddyyyy

3.  Copy Catalog & RPD into deployment directory

Change directory to the new deployment folder you created.

cd rpdcatmmddyyyy

-Copy rpd and catalog to this directory

cp -R /u01/app/obiee/OracleBIData/web/catalog/SalesCatalog .
cp /u01/app/obiee/OracleBI/server/Repository/salesrepository.rpd .

If you have made changes to configuration files, copy them over to this deployment folder as well e.g. I created a new xml file for writeback

cp /u01/app/obiee/OracleBI/web/msgdb/customMessages/writeback.xml .

4.  SCP the deployment directory to PROD box

Go back to home directory by issuing cd command and then use SCP as below


scp -r rpdcatmmddyyyy obieeprod@prodboxname:/home/obieeprod

5.  Start another session of putty pointing to PROD box. Archive Catalog & RPD in target platform.

Stop BI Services in PROD box

 ./ stop
./ stop

cd /u01/app/obiee/OracleBIData/web/catalog/
mv SalesCatalog SalesCatalog.mmddyyyy

cd /u01/app/obiee/OracleBI/server/Repository/
mv SalesRepository.rpd SalesRepository.rpd.mmddyyyy                                

6.  Move Catalog & RPD to proper directories from the deployment directory you moved to PROD box

cd /u01/app/obiee/OracleBI/server/Repository/
cp /home/obieeprd/rpdcatmmddyyyy/salesrepository.rpd .

cd /u01/app/obiee/OracleBIData/web/catalog/
cp -R /home/obieeprd/rpdcatmmddyyyy/SalesCatalog .

cd /u01/app/obiee/OracleBI/web/msgdb/customMessages/
cp /home/obieeqa/rpdcatmmddyyyy/writeback.xml .

7.  Start OBIEE in QA and POD

./ start
./ start

8. If you have not pointed PROD rpd to PROD DB then do it in online mode now.

Hope someone working on OBIEE 10g will benefit from this post.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there anything we need to account for when copying user directories over from an old catalog to an updated one, as part of this process? Do we need to do anything to preserve/protect file permissions, etc?
