Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Smart development tip: OBIEE 11g- Exclude new columns from existing views

Reports keep on evolving.  Users keep demanding new addition to views or information to existing reports. Now when you add new columns to an existing report, by default it ends up in all your existing views. You have to manually edit each view to restore it to how it was earlier. It is really annoying when you have multiple views in multiple reports to modify.

To work smart in this situation, before adding any column to the existing report, open your existing report in Edit mode and click on Analysis properties.

Go to data tab and for Display of Columns Added in Criteria Tab select Exclude from existing views, but display in new views. Click OK and save your report.

After this property is set, your existing views will remain unchanged as the new column added will be in the Excluded section of the view.

Hope it helps.
