Sunday, July 1, 2012

OBIEE 11g: Customizing Skins and Styles in 5 easy steps

I am aware that this topic has been covered in many blogs, Oracle’s customization whitepaper, and even OBE; just wanted to document it in a simpler format. I know.. I know.. I have listed 7 points below but point 4 comprises of all the modifications you may want to do in your skins and styles and point 7 is a restart of BI Services. 

1. Copy styles and Skins from C:\Middleware_Home\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\web\app\res (sk_blafp and s_blafp) to C:\OBIEE_SS
2. Rename these folders to sk_deepak and s_deepak respectively.
3. Copy WEB_INF from C:\Middleware_Home\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\analyticsRes to C:\OBIEE_SS
4. Make modifications in Skins and Styles. As an example I am replacing oracle_logo.png file with my logo in C:\OBIEE_SS\sk_deepak\b_mozilla_4 and C:\OBIEE_SS\sk_deepak\login folders.
5. Modify instanceconfig.xml (location) file: Insert the following inside ServerInstance tags.
<CustomerResourcePhysicalPath>D:\OBIEE11g</CustomerResourcePhysicalPath> <CustomerResourceVirtualPath>/OBIEE11g</CustomerResourceVirtualPath>

More information here.

6. Deploy OBIEE_SS as an application directory from Weblogic Admin Console.
  a. Click on Lock and Edit (From Change Center)
  b. From Domain Structure select deployments under bifoundation_domain
  c. Click Install
  d. Select OBIEE_SS folder from path C:\OBIEE_SS and click Next
  e. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next
  f. Give your deployment a name or keep everything default at this page. Make sure to select I will make the   deployment accessible through the following location and click Finish
  g. Select Take me to deployment configuration page and click Finish
  h. Make sure under target tab you have the Admin Server or BI Server selected and click Save
  i. Click Activate Chnages (From Change Center)
7. Restart BI Services.

Once BI Services are restarted you will see the modifications in Styles and Skins immediately.

Also, you will see the new styles deployed under dashboard properties.
