Steps to deploy repository and create a new web catalog in OBIEE 11g
- Go to http://{localhost}:7001/em and login
- From left pane, expand Business Intelligence and click on coreapplication
- Go to Deployment tab then Repository sub-tab
- In the Change Center: click Lock and Edit Configuration
- Click Close when you receive the confirmation message Lock and Edit Configuration - Completed Successfully.
- In the Upload BI Repository section: Click Browse and navigate to the directory with the yourrepository.rpd repository. Select the yourrepository.rpd and click Open
- Enter your-repository-password as password and click Apply.
- (Optional: If you want to create a separate catalog; In the Presentation Service Repository section, you will have a string like this one: $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/$COMPONENT_NAME/catalog/SampleApp
- Delete the default catalog- SampleApp in this case and enter a name that you want to give to your catalog e.g. MyNewCatalog you should have something like this $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/$COMPONENT_NAME/catalog/MyNewCatalog)
- In the Change Center: click Activate Changes
- Click Close when message Activate Changes - Completed Successfully message appears.
- Go to Overview tab and click Restart. Click Yes to confirm restart.
- Click Close when you receive the message Restart All - Completed Successfully.
- Go to http://{localhost}:9704/analytics login to create reports in new rpd with Your-New-SA subject area.
More information in OBIEE 11g Documentation Libraray: